Been a thought going through my mind - 'we will still be dealing with this virus in 10 years time'.

Reminded of the words of an Australian farmer - "The most dangerous snakes in the world live on my farm, you just learn to live with them"!

What - still social distancing, face masks, ...?
If only we could go back to when life was simpler, like 2 years ago!
Forgetting - normal flu caught from someone on a train was also a killer, how many people this year have died from contaminated drinking water, ...

Is this shaking the answer to our prayers "Lord send revival - as long as it does not upset my comfortable lifestyle"?

We pray "Your Kingdom come" but overlook "God’s ultimate goal is not our happiness or even our deliverance. His ultimate goal is to REVEAL HIS GLORY".
We see this in Matthew 6. Immediately before the words "Your Kingdom come" we are instructed to pray "Hallowed be Your name".

Name here refers to Father God's character - which is HIS GLORY.
Jesus reveals the Father's glory (Hebrews 1:3a).
Moses prayed "Show me your glory", the Lord responded "No I will show you my goodness" (Exodus 33:18-20).

This truth about God outworking His ultimate goal can be seen in the account of the Exodus from Egypt.

  • God’s people were in bondage and began to cry out for deliverance.
  • God carefully orchestrated and prepared godly leadership to bring them out.
  • Things seemed to go from bad to worse for a period of time.
  • God chose not to deliver His people immediately….ON PURPOSE.
  • God not only used the ungodly authority in the land…He hardened it!
  • God’s people were freed only AFTER He sifted and purified their own hearts and lives of the idolatry and compromise that had infected them.
  • God did not prevent the Egyptian army being called out to go after them and bring them back to captivity.
  • God led them to a place of 'lockdown' - trapped by the Red Sea.
  • God made a way for them through the Red Sea - water deep enough to destroy their enemies who tried to follow.

On this subject, and related to my previous post on Another Divided Kingdom, I came across the following article which contains further insights into this theme.

"Delayed Deliverance Reveals Greater Glory"