One of the main "methods" Jesus and the apostles used (in the four gospels and book of Acts) was to speak to things.
They did not ask God to heal people, to cast out demons or to raise the dead. They spoke to bodies, to the wind / waves, etc.. Jesus taught us to speak to mountains (Mark 11:23).
These declarations encourage us to speak to the various situations we encounter in our lives.
I have a covenant with God, and by the blood of Jesus I release my divine protection and divine provision (Hebrews 8:6).
My angels are carrying out the Word of God on my behalf (Psalms 103:20).
Any adversity, attack, accidents and tragedies that were headed my way are diverted right now in Jesus' name (Psalms 91:14-16)
I speak to the raging waters in my life; peace, be still.
I say to my mind; peace, be still.
I say to my emotions; peace, be still.
I say to my body; peace, be still.
I say to my home; peace, be still.
I say to my family; peace, be still (Mark 4:39).
Now I speak to
every mountain of fear,
every mountain of discouragement,
every mountain of stress,
every mountain of depression,
every mountain of lack and insufficiency;
and I say, "Be removed & cast into the sea in Jesus name!" (Mark 11:22-24).
I speak to this day and I call you blessed.
I declare that I serve a mighty God who today will do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that I can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).
I say you are a good God and I eagerly anticipate your goodness today.
Most English translations of John 14:13-14 render it as "... whatever you ask ..." and "... you may ask ...".
First the word "ask" here is rather weak translation for the Greek word "aiteo", and alternative translation would be the more provocative "demand". Whoops, demanding something from God sounds like it might be overstepping the mark.
Secondly who are we actually "asking" something of? In this case it is not Jesus or Father God, we are asking in Jesus' name, with his authority, with his mantle on our shoulders, demanding that his promises be fulfilled.
So we "demand" sickness to flee, we "demand" our enemies to leave us alone... We don't ask a with sweet timid "if it be your will". His will is redemption, His will is recovery of sight for the blind, His will is freedom for prisoners, ...!