Faith is the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).
The "evidence" for things being true is not our circumstances, but God's promises.
We don't deny negative facts in our lives, but we choose to focus on a higher reality:
i.e. God's truth.
Faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17).
Choose to speak these powerful truths to build your faith.
I set the course of my life with my declarations (James 3:2-5).
God is on my side:
therefore I declare that I cannot be defeated, discouraged, depressed or disappointed (Romans 8:37) (Psalms 91:14-16) (Philippians 4:13).
As I speak God's promises, they come to pass.
They stop all attacks, assaults, oppression, and fear from my life (2pet1vv2-4) (Mark 11:23-24).
I have the wisdom of God today.
I will think the right thoughts, say the right words, and make the right decisions in every situation I face (James 1:5) (1cor2v16).
I expect to have powerful divine appointments today to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to prophesy life, to lead people to Jesus, to bring deliverance, to release signs and wonders and to bless every place I go (Jeremiah 29:7) (Acts 28:8-9) (Acts 5:16) (Acts 8:4) (Acts 16:31).
I expect the best day of my life spiritually, emotionally, relationally and financially in Jesus' name (Romans 15:13).