The other day I got a copy of the booklet 'The Miracle that is Israel'.

Such an encouragement that God is faithful and keeps His promise / covenant - despite 'apparent evidence' to the contrary 'He is Good'! How it grieves / hurts me that so many do not see / acknowledge what is so plainly obvious. Need to be born again / have mind renewed / be a new creation. If God is not faithful to Israel, then there is no hope for a wild shoot like me (Romans 11:17-24)!

Later the same day was struck by the phrase "Walking at God's pace in the right direction". Psalm 119:28-30 speaks of the place I am in, and the direction I am headed. "My soul is weary with sorrow ... keep me from deceitful ways ... I have chosen the way of faithfulness".

Today's item in Word for Today was titled "Let God Replant You". Some hardships, like death, cause a necessary replanting. An opportunity to establish deeper roots and realise our potential in a new container. Encouraging, but also difficult to accept. My late wife was Father God's provision for me, and she has left a legacy, I would not be where I am today without her.