Give us this day our daily bread.

Prayer for that which is needful - often seen as a last resort when "our back is to the wall!"

"Daily bread" speaks to me of a full belly today and seed to sow for a harvest next year.
Such prayer is a reminder to self that God is the source of all that I have / such provision.

  • Originally God gave man an abundance of fruit with free will to chose what to eat or leave (Gen 1:29).
  • After the fall God expanded man's diet to take account of the changed circumstances (Gen 3:17-19).
    This required effort in order to produce what he wanted, where he wanted it and when he wanted it.
  • After Noah's flood again man's diet expanded to take account of the changed environment (Gen 9:3).
  • During a major famine God saved his people by sending a man (Joseph, see Genesis 37-50).
  • Recognise the season you are in.
  • Make provision for the next season.
  • Bread reminds me of the manna God gave his people when in the desert (Exodus 16).
  • They gathered what they needed - required effort.
  • Those who wanted a lot, did not have too little.
  • Those who wanted a little, did not have too much.
  • Those who wanted it boiled, boiled it.
  • Those who wanted it baked, baked it.
  • Don't try to keep it for 2 days, unless God says so.
    Don't try to hang onto an income stream when God says it is finished.
    Don't try to look for an income stream when God says live on savings.
  • The manna stopped when they reached their destination.
  • God provided by a jar of flour not running out (1 Kings17:7-16).
  • Result of 'seeking first his Kingdom'.
  • The jar ran out when normal provision was available again.
  • Memo to self - don't keep counting the grains still left in jar.
  • God provided freedom from debt by an income stream, another miracle example (2 Kings 4:1-7).
  • Result of 'seeking first his Kingdom'.
  • Don't be backward in asking neighbours to contribute.
  • Don't be half-hearted in your efforts - get all you can.
  • Be on good terms with neighbours (forgiveness issue to deal with?).
  • The income stream ceased when the debt was paid.
  • After the debt was paid there was enough left over to live on.

Some thoughts on abundant provision:

  • Water into wine miracle at wedding (John 2:1-11).
    Jesus was not asked to provide more wine, he was told 'Oops, they've run out'.
    Why? - lack of money, bad planning, plain stupdity, theft, let down by supplier?
    Jesus did not place blame. He simply said "do this..." - they did and they had!
    Jesus' provision was better than what they had had in the first place (by their own efforts).
  • Jesus was accused of attending parties where the food and wine flowed freely (Matthew 11:18-19).
    He rebuked his accusers - not his hosts!
  • Feeding of 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21).
    After hearing the news of John's death Jesus and the disciples needed a break, but their attempt to find a quiet place failed. Eventually the disciples had had enough (or I would have!) and told Jesus to send the people away to get food. Instead he told them to feed the crowd! Result - a miracle with all satisfied and plenty left over for another day or to sell!
  • Feeding of 4,000 (Mark 8:1-10).
    Similar but on this occassion the people had been gathered for longer, the food had run out and the initiative came from Jesus.
  • Why this waste (Matthew 26v:9)?
    Recognise the purpose of a gift or provision and use accordingly.
    Sometimes being somewhere in person is better than sending the travel money you could have saved.
  • In the book of Acts we are not given personal financial details, but reading between the lines there were wealthy people in the church. They were not all told to 'give everything to the poor' - what they had was their's to give or keep as they saw fit (lying about it / hypocrisy was another matter).

More advice on 'Give me...' prayers:

  • God knows what you need before you ask him (Matthew 6:7-8).
  • Do not worry, God knows what you need, these will be given you (Matthew 6:25-33).
  • Learn to be content in every situation (Phillipians 4:12).