Not keeping on eye on what has been happening the news from Afghanistan took me by surprise ... sounds like the whole world has been shaken.

'Compassion based' prayer meetings for the people of Afghanistan - believers, and rumours of even their unbelieving relatives, suffering because of the name of Jesus. A genocide which would make Hitler and Stalin proud!

I've been concerned about my own take / attitude to this. Afghanistan is 'not on my agenda'. Don't know how / what to pray - praying in tongues makes more sense that anything I could pray in English.

What is stirring in my heart? ... the wider picture
Insurgencies in Africa in the name of Allah - and the resultant trauma / suffering.
The delight of those who blame the U.S. for Israel's victories in 1948, 1967, 1973.
... The dream of an Islamic state replacing the Zionist anomalie is within their grasp!

Thinking about this my Bible reading for today took me to Revelation 2.

Ephesus I know your industry and activities...
This is the 'Christian world' I relate to.
A world which prays for more than enough provision so as to further the Kingdom of God.

Smyrna I know your affliction and distress...
This is the 'Christian world' of Afghanistan - and most believers outside my 'bubble'.
Not that Ephesus lacks trouble or situations requiring endurance.
The Smyrna world knows poverty - Ephesus world knows 'more than enough'.

What encouragement / warning does Jesus give?

Ephesus Don't lose your first love - live with eternity's values in view.
For God so love ... (John 3:16) We love Him because ... (1 John 4:19)
Your industry and activities are not the most important thing.
Also applies to Smyrna - remain loyal and faithful.

Smyrna Fear nothing
Also applies to Ephesus - do not fear inflation, pandemics, stock market crash, wicked men.
The Bible is full of DO NOTs - do not fear, do not fear, do not fear ....!

Which brings me back to no. 1 question in all this - do I trust Jesus?
Do I have the right perspective ... Afghanistan, Africa, Israel, U.S., my life?

A promise to Smyrna - afflicted for 10 days - God sets limits and boundaries on evil (cf book of Job).
Will I continue to trust Him, His character, His goodness in the face of 'apparent evidence' to the contrary?


I have a vague recollection, from childhood, of someone from church travelling (on their own - without a gun) overland Europe to India ... via Afghanistan.

A quick Google and stumbled across this which includes a different view of Afghanistan ...
Living on the Devils Doorstep

Click here for extracts...


Another picture I have, in recalling past stories, is that of Afghanistan being a beautiful country.
Was not going to mention that but then I came across this interview with Robbyn Dawkins.


At the end he is praying and mentioned / prophecised that would be in 8 years.
I mentioned earlier God sets limits and boundaries on evil!