In John 14:13-14 we read
Ask me, and I will do whatever you ask. This way the Son will bring honour to the Father. I will do whatever you ask me to do.
Some cheque!
I was reminded earlier, by something on TV, that despite asking I find myself in a season I did (do) not want and been through something I don't want to go through again.
I then read an article (by Randy Robison) which reminded me that “Those who ask are not the focal point of the statement” (similarly in Matthew 7:7 and Matthew 21:22).
It’s not “whatever you ask for, you get”. The key is the conjunction “in order that”. Whatever is asked under Christ’s authority, He will provide in order that He is glorified. We ask, and He provides in such a way that He receives the glory.
You see I live with 'eternities values in view' and pray 'Your Kingdom come.'. I pray for provision, not for my comfort, but because if my body / lifestyle is not up to the task, I am not of any use to God's Kingdom while on this earth.
Father God receives the glory - but in Matthew 6:25-33 Jesus promises that those who 'seek first His Kingdom' will outdo 'Solomon with all his wealth' (v29). Wow!