I've mentioned elsewhere that this website is not intended as a personal blog.
However, now is the time to make a personal statement - if I leave it it will be too late!
Something my wife said at church a few weeks ago can be found here...
'God is good' and it has been burning in me that soon it will be too late to declare that.
The day is coming when such will sound trite and easily dismissible.
We are entering a new season, the mind is boggling with possibilities, wish lists and non-wish lists.
But we want to move in His provision for, 'GOD IS GOOD', and be faithful to His call.
Early July 2016, a year ago, Jenny and I were on a train and she looked at her railcard.
She exclaimed that it expired in exactly one year to the day.
I screamed at God (sorry I mean prayed!) - not that! One of my early recollections is someone who 6 months before he died renewed an annual magazine subscription for 6 months! So I expect that if I listen to His voice and follow I won't know all the answers but I will know that 'GOD IS GOOD'.
This, and other similarly themed articles, have been compiled into the 'God is Good Series'.