... the Spirit is poured upon us from on high... (Isaiah 32:15-20).

Restoration (Isaiah 32:15b).

Justice in place of no hope (Isaiah 32:16a).

Righteousness and fertility dwell together (Isaiah 32:16b).

Fruit of righteousness - peace, quietness, confidence, security, rest, freedom.

Why am I not worried by the hail (Isaiah 32:19)?

Because its 'over there'!

Why does (Isaiah 32:15-20) stand out to me?

Is it wishful thinking?

Why am I not worried by the trembling, failure, weeds, wasteland of (Isaiah 32:10-14)?

Is it because I have received the Spirit?

Is it because my world view is based on His Kingdom and His righteousness?

Is it because I seek level paths for my feet?