Your Kingdom come, your will be done...
I look for a day when people will gather in a park in spontaneous prayer and praise - not an organised Gospel concert or other event (for which council permission maybe inappropriate anyway).
I look for a day when churches fill so much that they have to ask their dodgy neighbours for help (e.g. competitors in miraculous haul of fish event!). That it will be about His Kingdom and which net a fish ends up in will be immaterial.
I have no 'Word from the Lord' on a 'Brexit' but consider the wrong questions are being asked by the media.
We are tied into contracts and alliances which we cannot just walk away from. We cannot turn the clock back and restore our old trading relationships (e.g. Australia and New Zealand), so a 'Brexit' will not happen overnight. Whatever happens we have to see it as a new start, leave the old ways and make new paths.
Practically - how to vote? I suggest a 'Brexit' vote even if it loses will not be lost. A large enough 'Brexit' vote will give the UK government ammunition for use with Brussels - 'beware of the revolting peasants...' (pun intended).
The last year (2015) has shown how quickly the playing field can change (e.g. immigration, Labour leadership, Liberal Democrats collapse, Ukraine, Syria, climate, negative inflation, interest rates still stuck). A year from now? US presidential election?
Jesus said something about 'People will faint with terror and apprehension...'. We don't see the sun/moon/cosmological events He referred to but the same worry/anxiety mentioned is there. If the political / economic playing fields can change quickly - maybe these others can as well. We have been indoctrinated in 'millions of years' science for climate / geographical / cosmological changes. The biblical record - 10,000 years at most and things moved very fast in the days of Noah!
In your terror, apprehension, worry, anxiety remember 'God is for you not against you' - seek first His Kingdom.
This article was provoked by reading this Should Britain Stick With The EU